Skål International Hawaii
International Association of Travel and Tourism Professionals

Become a member...
"Doing Business among friends". Skål is an Association of Tourism Professionals which encourage and create a network of professionals from Hawaii and around the world. It promotes seminars and conferences to strengthen the industry's professionalism.
Through participation in local activities and events at all levels, members meet industry colleagues from around the world. Here, in an atmosphere of amical, ideas, opportunities and industry matters, in general, may be shared on a personal and business level. Skål members should promote the organization, the formation of new Clubs and recruit qualified members.
The Benefits of Skål Membership
The network of Skål members worldwide is now accessible via the Skål website www.skal.org Information on members around the world is at your fingertips.
Skål Members are welcome at all meetings around the world. Wherever you travel, you can access a network of Skål friends and colleagues.
Skål New, a magazine published quarterly, is a medium for information about the organization and avenue for advertising exposure to 15,000 industry professionals.
Through contributions from Clubs around the world, the Florimond Volckaert Fund assist any Skål member in times of financial need or crisis.
The Skål International Membership Card entitles members to discount at some participating outlets, provided by Skål members.
Enjoy the monthly meetings at a different venue each month, as well as the special events that have always made for an exciting evening.
Skål Hawaii has always taken time to assist those young people that are starting out in a career in tourism and hospitality . Skål Hawaii's scholarship program along with our Young Skål programs have certainly made a difference for those students and beyond. Be part of these programs that offer networking, mentoring and internships for those entering the travel and tourism industry.
Join us today!

Membership Renewal
Active - $299.00

Retired / Life - $199.00

Young Skal Professional - $149.00

Young Skal Students - $50.00
2024 New Membership

Active - $698.00
Young Skal Professionals - $159.00

Young Skal Students - $55.00